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Capital Gifts & Endowment

Tower School's endowment is essential for the long-term stability and success of Tower School.

Endowment gifts are professionally invested to provide annual income for the school’s operating budget in perpetuity. To learn more and contribute to currently established endowed funds, continue reading below. Please contact Jessie Achterhof, Director of Development, if you are interested making a gift to the endowment or establishing a named endowment fund.

Contact Jessie Achterhof

The Williamson Innovative Science Education (WISE) Fund

The Williamson family wants to give many more classes of Tower School students the opportunities of inquiry, investigation, and imagination that Frances Williamson has fostered in generations of her students. In her honor, the Williamson family has established the WISE Fund to sponsor the type of projects, units, and professional development that made Mrs. Williamson’s science lab so unique.

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make a gift online

The McCann Chair for Excellence in Teaching

In honor of Cynthia McCann, Ed. D., and her 35 years of dedicated teaching at Tower School, the Board of Trustees established The McCann Chair for Excellence in Teaching. Announced in May 2016, the McCann Chair honors Cindy, her impact on generations of students, colleagues, and families; and her lifelong love of learning.

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Peter S. Philip Faculty Chair in History and the Stepping Forward Campaign

Launched in 2012, this endowment-only campaign raised over $3,700,000 from over 240 donors in support of the school’s most prized assets: people and program. Investing in the school’s endowment provides our faculty, students and program with the additional resources necessary to sustain and enhance the quality of our educational program well into the future.

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a panoramic view of Tower's Backyard